Can You Print A Route Off Using More Than 5 Pages ?

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  • Pete Bryant Monday 29 Sep 2014 13:58:28

    I have just plotted a 60-mile bike route ... is it possible to print it out using more than the 5-Page option ?

  • plotaroute admin   Monday 29 Sep 2014 15:47:33

    I'm afraid the multi-sheet printing only support a maximum of 5 pages at present  If you need more detail than this you could split the route into two.  The easiest way to do this is to save 2 copies of your route, then use the "Delete Section" feature under the Plot menu to delete the first half of the route on the first copy and the second half of the route on the second copy.  This will enable you to print your route over a maximum of 10 pages.

    Hope this helps.



  • joanne harrison Monday 17 Jun 2024 17:57:33

    Hello, I recently plotted a route for a marathon walk myself and friend are doing to raise funds for a Parkinsons Charity.  I was trying to print it off over the 5 pages but I can't seem to see that option anywhere..... is that not a free option any more?  Any assistance would be appreciated and apologies if it is looking straight at me somewhere, I am new to this - it seems a great app, and I have managed to get the distance we need - would just like to print it off so we can walk it in sections to make sure, in reality, I am not taking us down roads/paths that aren't suitable. Many thanks,   Jo :-)

  • Helene Plotaroute   Monday 22 Jul 2024 14:58:59


    with a standard account, your track is displayed on one page, you need a premium account if you want more pages. 
    Or you can create a route per step and print each of them. 

    Kind regards,


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