Ascent / terrain type auto planning

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  • blaz mro Monday 06 Oct 2014 11:20:04

    Hi there,

    if it woul be possible i'd use an option for a specified ascent / descent in autoplanning.

    This would be extremly useful if one lives in a mixed area and want to generate more specific traings (hilly vs flat).


    Would that be hard to code?


    Cheers and keep up the great work :)

  • plotaroute admin   Tuesday 07 Oct 2014 08:59:08

    Hi Blaz - Thanks for the suggestion.  I'm not sure how easy this would be to do but I can see this would be handy.  I'm guessing you would want to be able to specify a distance constraint as well as a target ascent, e.g. make me routes with an ascent of x but no longer than y km long.



  • blaz mro Tuesday 07 Oct 2014 09:36:14

    Yeah, thats a perfect example.

    Say, i set the same start point and a target of 10km run, but when I say stay flat (keep ascent as low as possible) it's that way, when i start altering ascent values (sliders, or from a couple of scaled out choices) the route varies (if terrain allows of course).


    Also a function to redraw would be useful. I noticed that when I set up a 8km round the algorithm tends to pick up the same route each time. In a big city there should be more options to make an 8km round :D


    Best regards

    (ill keep this conversation here and leave the one I started at your facebook page).


  • plotaroute admin   Wednesday 08 Oct 2014 17:24:51

    Thanks for the additional info.  I think some fo this could be quite difficult for us to do but I understand the objective.

    As regards the 'redraw' point you made, you can replot sections of a route quite quickly once you've selected one from the Make Me a Route list by using the 'Replot Section' feature under the plot menu.  If you do this with the Auto-Plot feature on, you'll be able to drag and drop sections of the route before confirming any changes.



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