Download routes to a Garmin Edge

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  • plotaroute admin   Thursday 09 Jun 2016 12:12:57

    Glad you got it sorted.  Yes, we don't have an option to download routes in the FIT file format yet, but it is on our Feature Request list, so I'm hoping it is something that can be added at some point.


  • Daniel Brewer Thursday 09 Jun 2016 14:44:47

    Just for future reference I found that not all routes worked using the conversion with GPSIES. SO this is the process I used:

    1) Export as gpx file

    2) Import this as a ride into the garmin connect website

    3) convert the ride into a course

    4) delete the ride

    5) moved the course to the Garmin edge 25

    A bit convoluted, but it does the trick. It would be nice if the garmin connect site allowed the importing of gpx files as courses but hey ho.

  • Willy Van Driessche Monday 01 Aug 2016 16:17:46

    Use JavawaRTWtool to convert .tcx courses into .fit


    Some more info:

  • Vaughn Smith Friday 30 Sep 2016 18:13:23

    South Shore ride to Millennium Park and bike to South Bend Airport.

  • Jim Strother Tuesday 11 Oct 2016 22:00:13


    I'm new to this so please can someone answer this in non-technical language to start me off? I think from the posts I can do this with plotaroute - please confirm. I want to create a cycling route between two linear points with this app, and then download it to a bike satnav - probably Garmin from what I've heard - would welcome recommendations. Once out on the bike and on the satnav I want to be able to follow the route on the screen, with directions at each point where there is a change in the route, and an audible warning each time.  After the ride I want to upload what I've done, ultimatley for a blog. I'm doing LEJOG next year and will practise with shorter routes and plotaroute seems ideal as long as it will do all those things.

    Thanks in anticipation


  • plotaroute admin   Monday 17 Oct 2016 10:33:28

    Hi Jim,

    I think your best bet is to use a Garmin Edge.  You can plot a route on here and transfer it to the Garmin device by downloading it as a TCX file and copying it to the device (as per the instructions at the start of this topic).  You route will then appear on the list of courses on the device and you can select "Do Course" to get navigation instructions and alerts for the route.  The device will also let you record the route you actually took if you press the Start button.  Maybe try to borrow one and try it out?  There are several different models depending on your budget but it's easier to follow routes on the ones with larger screens.


  • Jim Strother Monday 17 Oct 2016 13:22:50

    Thanks John, that's what I'll do, sounds like a good allrounder


  • Rob Hill   Tuesday 13 Dec 2016 12:43:07

    Hi Jim,


    Similarly to the comments below, what i do with my Edge 810 is as follows:

    1. Connect garmin to PC via USB

    2. Open selected plotaroute map and download as GPX track

    3. Download directly to "new files" directory on the garmin

    4. On boot up of the garmin, the file will be moved to "courses" and will appear as a course on the unit

    5. For the Edge 810, the route is overlayed to the garmin map. The unit generates its own turn prompts




  • Tour McTour   Thursday 15 Dec 2016 02:49:07


    I just downloaded a route as a .tcx and then copied it onto my Garmin Edge 810. I tried it once without setting the speed and once setting the speed and allowing for ascent/descent in speed calculations. It went smoothly and easily and now the routes are listed as courses on the device. Without having ridden it yet it seems to have got the calculations right, but the elevation hasn't come over to the garmin in either case. Is it possible to send through elevations for a route?



  • plotaroute admin   Thursday 15 Dec 2016 14:09:43

    Hi Rowan - the elevation data should be in the TCX file so I don't know why it's not showing on your Garmin device.  If you open the TCX file in a text editor you should see lines like the following one with the elevation data:


    Does the file you have contain these?



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