Combine Routes Together

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  • Christopher Potato Wednesday 04 May 2016 20:15:50

    Thanks John.  If I don't want to join the end of 1st leg to be joined to the start of the 2nd, but show both legs as separate parts of one overall area trail, is this possible e.g. if leg 1 is "|" and leg 2 is "-", the overall trail I'd like to look like "+" after combining, without the end of one joined to the other.

  • plotaroute admin   Wednesday 04 May 2016 19:16:10

    Yes Christopher, you can combine routes together and save the combined route as a new route, while still keeping your original routes.  The maximum distance accepted between the finish of the first route and start of the next route is 10km.


  • Christopher Potato Wednesday 04 May 2016 17:11:20

    Thanks Marc.  The walking trails I'm looking at have at least one significant dog leg section or criss-crossing which unfortunately makes the start/finish 'auto-connect' of combining routes a material problem when looking to get an overall picture.  It's a nice to have - just wondered if there was an easy solution or an option I had overlooked.


  • marc cohn Wednesday 04 May 2016 16:49:53

    You should be able to combine separate routes into a new longer one as long as the end point of the first is close to the start point of the second, third, fourth, etc.

    I do not know what the maximum distance allowed between the end and start is but if your two routes exceed this interval I suppose you could edit one to close the gap and then combine.

  • Christopher Potato Wednesday 04 May 2016 08:46:02

    Is it possible to do either / both of the following when considering several seperately plotted routes (legs) of a much longer overall walking trail: -

    1) combine these separately plotted routes into an overall walking trail (so you can see the complete trail) without losing the underlying legs as separately available plotted routes

    2) as above, but where the end and start points of individual legs of an overall walking trail aren't necessarily close to each other i.e. when not a perfectly curcuitous route

    Many thanks


  • marc cohn Tuesday 03 May 2016 20:36:47

    I think I have it now and have combined several routes. Thanks, Marc

  • marc cohn Tuesday 03 May 2016 17:46:19


    I would appreciate some guidance on how to use the Combine Routes feature. The two routes in my account are Map 001 and Map 002 - the end of 1 and beginning of 2 should be very near each other. Not sure what to do when using the CR feature - I call up Map 001 and the click the feature and provide Map 002 but then what ? I would like to save the combined routes as a new map.

    Let me know if I need to provide access to my account or anything else.






  • plotaroute admin   Tuesday 03 May 2016 16:52:33

    It shouldn't make any difference if the routes are Private or Public.  The only stipulation is that the second route must start near the finish of the first route.  I'm happy to look into it if you can provide more information.


  • marc cohn Saturday 30 Apr 2016 19:18:06

    I am trying to combine two routes - that is append route 2 to the end of route 1 but getting no 'joy' using the combine routes. Is it because I have my routes marked private ?

  • Lee Tardivel Saturday 26 Mar 2016 13:14:01

    John, thanks for your reply.  Do you undersatnd what I was looking to achieve?  So the cyclists on the main route would not deviate from their route but then other cyclists would join that route having started from different locations.  This would be a great team feature if it could be added.

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