Destination marker follows me everywhere!

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  • Bernie Pottrell Saturday 18 Apr 2015 19:23:41

    Hi Guys

    Now, the problem I have is probably one of my own making by not following instructions properly (of which, more anon).  That problem is that when editing a route, circular or otherwise, everytime I drag the map to view a different part of it whilst in edit mode, the B end marker moves to the nearest road to where I placed the mouse when dragging the map and then extends the route to it!

    As I say, its probably my method of useage that causes this annoyance, but it I was thinking that it would be nice to have a set of written instructions to refer to, rather than having to watch the videos time after time until you spot the place where you're going wrong.

    Hope you can set me right here, as this site is the dog's danglies for route planning otherwise :-)



  • plotaroute admin   Sunday 19 Apr 2015 07:55:29

    Hi Bernie - I think this could be a problem with your mouse or your mouse settings, maybe a sticky button, as the mouse is clicking when you drag it.  Try another  mouse if you have one or have a look at your mouse settings in the Control Panel to see if there is anything that might help.

    Thanks for the nice feedbacdk about the site and your for suggestion about instructions.



  • Bernie Pottrell Monday 20 Apr 2015 19:42:36

    Hmmmm, thanks for that - you could well be right, I have had problems with my trackerball mouse before having a sticky button (no more jam doughnuts at the keyboard for me!), I'll have to check it again.

    I am scrolling the map properly though aren't I?  I lclick the left mouse button and hold it down whilst dragging the map, then release the mouse button. Its at that point the end point leaps to the nearest road to the release point of the mouse at the moment.




  • Gray Rider Saturday 08 Aug 2015 21:09:46

    This happens to me, too, when I am editing the directions.  Specifically, when I am trying to insert a new waypoint, the B end marker of the route jumps to the insertion point.  If I am not carefully watching for changes in the distance of the route, I can easily miss this, and then I have to "Undo" some changes I would rather keep to get back to the correct end point.  This happens on both Mac and PC, so it is not likely a mouse issue.

    Perhaps a toggle that would let the user lock down the course when editing would be helpful.




  • plotaroute admin   Monday 10 Aug 2015 09:07:53

    Hi Steven - I can't seem to be able to reproduce this here.  Would you mind letting me know the steps to reprodcue the problem please and also what browser you are using?



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