Two new Terrain types

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  • plotaroute admin   Monday 25 May 2015 08:02:01

    Hi Jonathan - thank you very much for your suggestions.  We'll have a think about the walking path one.  I thnk adding support for indoor route mapping is likely to be very complicated, so this probably isn't something that we would want to pursue at the moment.  Are you aware of any existing route mapping solutions for indoor route planning?



  • Jonathan Beam Sunday 24 May 2015 20:25:49

    I'd like to ask for 2 additional terrain types to be supported.

    1. Walking path - Which should be considered a pathed or otherwise improved path instead of just going through the woods or walking a foot-beatten path. This would be very useful to help map out the vaious parks and other facilites with dedicated walking/running surfaces and would also be useful for things like school tracks and other outdoor locations dedicated to walking running.

    2. Indoor - For those who need to find indoor locations for walking (especially in inclement weather or all winter), this would be very helpful. It would help identify malls and other good locations for walkers. I will also add two additional features that would help support this concept, but they are only desirable and not necessary to implement an Indoor terrain type

      A. "Flat" - Some locations will provide geological information suggesting a mall or other location is not flat when it actually is. Allow an option to override the automatic mapping of flat/hills/wavy and force to flat.

      B. Support for Google maps floors. It is possible to see a mall with stores/etc within you application, but there is no option to change floors. In some cases, the walk is different on each floor or only available on one floor. Supporting the ability to change floors makes it easier to map/understand. Ideally that floor should also be saved for others to see if they pull up the route.

    I suspect if 2B is implemented someone is going to suggest the ability to change floors within a route. I suspect that would be very expensive to implement so I'm not requesting it at this time. If you see these changes causing people to enter in many mall and other indoor locations, it might be something to consider in the future.

    Thanks for providing this service and I hope its of great value to many.


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