re plot and delete tools

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  • steve pearce Monday 08 Jun 2015 22:29:27

    I am new to the app and loving it but really struggling with the re plot and delete function.


    I have followed the on screen instructions and watched the tutorial but just do not seem to be able to consistently and easily use these functions.


    if I have the drag function enabled during the replot  the red and grean start / fiinish indicators seem to follow each other and when I try and re plot a line which is longer / shorter than the original section the app doesnt seem to adapt .


    when I try and delete a section at the start  it still leaves a black ( staright line )  line to the start point is it just me having finger trouble or does anyone have any pointers 


    many thanks


  • plotaroute admin   Tuesday 16 Jun 2015 10:46:20

    Hi Steve - Sorry for the delay in responding to this.  You need to set the Drag-Mode switch to "Off" when using the Replot Section feature.  The Drag Mode is designed for editing short sections of the route, so only allows you to select a given number of points.  The Replot Section feature allows you to replot any length.  

    I think the problem you are having deleting a section from the start of the route is due to the fact that the green selection marker is not quite at the very start when you click Confirm to delete the selected section.  To ensure that the green selection marker is at the very start, it is best to use the green marker on the the slider rather than the one on the map.  You should be able to see that the whole section is selected for deletion before clicking Confirm as it will be whited out.

    Hope this helps.



  • steve pearce Wednesday 17 Jun 2015 16:14:57

    Hi John


    I have been away for afew days so only just seen this 


    I will try this . I have been playing around with it and seem to be getting the hang of it  : )

    many thanks for your help .





  • PR RO Thursday 18 Jun 2015 20:29:24


    This is a great app, thank you so much for it. The best that I have found for the moment. 

    It seems that I have the same problem of this topic, but I have been unable to do it right. This is the situation:

    1.- I uploaded an old route that I have from cycling.
    2.- It is a "circular" route, It starts (A) and ends (B) at the same place, so A and B are together at the very beginning.
    3.- I would like to expand this route, so I am trying to cut a huge section, lets say from "W" to "Z".
    4.- The idea would be to expand the route by clicking with the mouse and go from W to X to Y an back to Z.
    5.- So I select "Delete a selected range…", (drag mode off), I select the section (W to Z) , I confirm.
    6.- The only thing that happens is that it creates a straight line between W and Z, so it is impossible to expand the route by clicking with the mouse in a new direction (X, Y and Z).

    I really appreciate a little of help. 
    Thanks for all and cheers.


  • plotaroute admin   Friday 19 Jun 2015 09:28:54

    Hi Patricio - Thanks for your kind feedback about the site.  Glad you're finding it useful.

    To expand a route as you describe, the best way to do this is to use the Replot Section feature.  This will let you replot the section of the route you want to change (W to Z) and replace it with a longer section.  Have a look at our tutorial video on Editing Routes as this shows an example o the Replot Section feature in action.



  • PR RO Friday 19 Jun 2015 13:38:03

    Hi John,

    Thank you so much for your answer. 
    Is there any way to cut a piece of the route and from one of those ends start ploting the rest of the route without being connected to the original map? 

    In other words, I would like to expand the route (there are many roads available in the map that I am using but I want to use a particular one). However, when I use the replot function, the system creates a new circle instead of expanding the line (which is already part of the circle). Thus, I am ending up with many new rutes that I have not created. 

    Ps: I have watch all the videos and try for hours hehe. 

    Thanks so much for everything, I am still enjoying a lot this program. 



  • plotaroute admin   Sunday 21 Jun 2015 07:41:22

    I'm afraid I don't follow what you mean.  If you want to cut a section from the end of the route and continue plotting an alternative path from the the new end point, the best way to do this is to use the Delete Section feature to delete the end section, then you can just carry on plotting.



  • PR RO Monday 22 Jun 2015 09:34:14

    Thanks John for your help. 

    The problem that I have is when I delete a section between, lets say, X and Z, as soon as I confirm it deletes that section of the route, but at the same time it creates a straight line between X and Z. Maybe I am doing something wrong here. 

    No worries, I will keep trying. At the end I started ploting from the beginning and it worked perfect.

    Thanks for all and cheers for the program, it is really great.


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