USA Coast to Coast Run

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  • alex hall Saturday 11 Jul 2015 13:26:47

    Hi everyone,

    I'm an ultra runner based in the UK and am in the process of planning a coast to coast run in the states. I'm in the middle of planning my route but have some questions.

    Firstly, as I plan on covering 40 miles a day, is there a way I can put markers every 40 miles along the route? This will help with planning where I'm going to sleep etc.... and with the route at 3,100 miles it'd take ages to do it manually.


    Secondly, I'm not that familiar with navigation devices. What would be good to use? Ideally it'd have a 10 hour battery life. Also I understand a Garmin device would be of no use as it will only add the first 100 directions? My route at present has over 900.

    I'm doing this for various charities, so any help would be contributing towards that. Thanks in advance!



  • plotaroute admin   Sunday 12 Jul 2015 08:53:47

    Hi Alex - I think you'd be better breaking your route up into daily sections, as one route that long would cause all sorts of complications.  As you say, you would have problems loading the directions on a GPS device and it would be very slow to load and view on our site too and may fail to load on slower computers, particuarly if you include all the directions.  We also have a size limit for routes, so you may hit this limit depending on the complexity of the route.

    I would recommend saving a separate route for each day with the directions, which you could then combine or delete to get under Garmin's 100 limit.  If you wanted to also have a single route that showed your overall path you can use the Combine Routes feature to combine all the daily sections into one, but I would recommend deleting the directions from this one so that it loads more quickly. Also, if you like we can simplify the long route for you to remove redundant points.  This is something we can do manually at our end for very large routes and it reduces the number of points so that it loads more quickly with minimal loss of accuracy.  Let us know if you would like us to do that when you've finished mapping it all.



  • alex hall Sunday 12 Jul 2015 14:15:32

    Hi John, thanks for your reply.

    I have created a route already, I tried downloading it as a gpx file on my phone to use with co-rider and base camp but it took to long to load. So I downloaded it on my PC and emailed it to myself and opened it on my phone which worked fine, and it has all the directions in both apps. But obviously using data whilst abroad for that long would clean my bank account out several times over!

    I did think about doing it in sections but it'd really over complicate it I think. Which is why I decided to use this site. 

    Also as I could be breaking the 40 mile day up through the course of the day it's be an extra work load.

    Is it just Garmin that has the direction limit, or are there other navigation devices without that limit?




  • plotaroute admin   Sunday 12 Jul 2015 22:33:21

    Hi Alex,

    I'm afraid I can't help you on alternative navigation devices - I've only ever used a Garmin. Maybe someone else reading this can?  

    I've had a look at your route - quite a challenge!  It has a huge number of data points - 51,800 in total, so this will take a long time to load and could put quite a load on our server each time it is viewed.  If you don't mind I can simplify it to reduce the number of points (we have a tool that removes points that fall in a straight line given a certain tolerance) - reducing the points by half would make the route load more quickly and would only result in the overall distance being shortened by less than 500m from the total of nearly 5000km.  All the directions would be retained. Let me know.


  • alex hall Monday 13 Jul 2015 06:52:03

    Hi John,


    Yes please, if you don't mind!

    Don't worry, I won't be viewing it that often. Hopefully I'll have something in place that I won't have to keep opening it. That's not really an option anyway. If worse comes to the worse I'll print the directions and keep them in my support vehicle.





  • plotaroute admin   Monday 13 Jul 2015 11:25:29

    OK, I've done that Alex.  It now has just under 26,000 points instead of 51,800 - still a lot of points to plot to it should be a bit quicker to laod now.

    Good luck with the challenge.


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