Hi. Not sure if this helps - I have a Gramin Edge 500 and find it pretty straight forward to save a TCX file onto my edge in the 'new files' folder. The Edge then does the rest (converting to FIT and moving file etc.).
For devices able to run connectIQ apps (edge 520, 820 & 1000 and most recent watches) the app Routecourse allows to inmport gpx files created or edited with plotaroute in a snap and even wireless from the mobile.
We're hoping to be able to add a FIT download option at some point in the not too distant future.
Love Plotaroute, such a flexible and powerful tool, but disappointed to find it won't export to FIT file ready for Garmin Edge 25. I know there are ways round this with converters but be great to see an option to export as FIT ...... one day ;-)
Cheers, Andy
I agree with Ian.
I just posted this the minute before finding this thread
gpsies can create a fit from a gpx off plotaroute, but that is almost as painful as importing into garmin connect, creating an activity, saving as a course blah blah blah... which I am loathed to do.
I have happily got all of my courses in plotaroute now, but unable to get them directly onto my 920xt like I can with the Edge 810
I hope this happens!
Thanks John, my GTC wasn't talking to my device, but re-installing and hard resets have sorted that out......for now!
I'm a happy bunny now, can plot my routes here, save then as TCX, import into GTC, and then export to device.
Bit of a faff, if only Garmin Connect would allow you to import routes directly....
Hi Ian - Thanks for the suggestion. I'll add this to our To Do list. In the meantime, you can download routes to a Garmin 310xt using the direct Garmin download option if you don't have Garmin Express installed, or using Garmin's Training Center software.
Could we please have the ability to export routes in FIT format, so we can load them onto our Garmin devices. I can't find any way of doing this at the moment (I have a 310 XT), and if I can't get it onto my running watch, then I have no need to use this site, as good as it is! Please don't let me have to use the Garmin Connect mapping tool.......