How do I add more than 10 waypoints

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  • Thomas Thurlow Monday 07 Sep 2015 10:41:39

    Hi, how do I add more than 10 waypoints? Once I reach 10 it says to use standard route plotting features but I can't see how? I'm trying to create a route that has approximatly 20 waypoints that need to be either numbered or lettered. Thanks

  • plotaroute admin   Monday 07 Sep 2015 14:17:01

    Hi Thomas - If you need to plot a more detailed route with more than the 10 Waypoint limit of the "Plot With Waypoints" feature, you just need to click on the map with the Auto-Plot switch set to "By Road" or "On Foot".  If you click at points that you want to pass through, the route planner will then plot the route for youas you click.  I'd recommend having a look at our Quick Start Tutorial, which demostrates this.


  • Thomas Thurlow Monday 07 Sep 2015 15:04:56

    Hi, thanks, I understand that but it doesn't seem to mark the locations I click on, it just marks the start point A and end point B, I need points marked A,B,C,D,E....



  • plotaroute admin   Monday 07 Sep 2015 19:56:45

    Hi Thomas - If you want to mark locations along the route you can do this by adding symbols via the Directions/Notes panel.  There are instructions for doing this on this forum topic about marking stopovers.


  • Thomas Thurlow Friday 18 Sep 2015 08:48:30


    The way suggested does not let me add points A,B,C,D etc, it just lets me put a symbol at the point of interest. I need to be able to differentiate between each way point with a lettering/numbering system

  • plotaroute admin   Friday 18 Sep 2015 13:48:24

    I'm afraid we don't have a way of adding numbered or lettered symbols on the map at present, only the icon symbols.  I'll add this to our Feature Request list.


  • Martyn Sandford   Monday 10 Apr 2017 22:11:00

    This could be linked to Feature Request 2? Letters of the alphabet would be useful to include in the set in addition to symbols.  

    However, there is a kind of work arround. Use one of the arrow symbols and add the letters in the 'label' field.

    See this route for an example: Example of adding alphabetic labels


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