Launches Challenge Tracker

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  • plotaroute admin   Wednesday 09 Mar 2016 11:15:52

    We are very excited to anncounce the launch of a major new feature on the site - a Challenge Tracker.

    If you're undertaking a long distance challenge, you can now use to track and share your progress. When you create a new challenge, you'll get a dedicated Challenge Tracker page on On this page you can add a photo, provide information about your challenge, including a link to your own webiste if you have one, and show where you are on your challenge route map.

    Then share your Challenge Tracker page with anyone who wants to follow your progress and simply check in using our desktop or mobile site to update your position as often as you like.

    Challenge Tracker Example

    To see an example of a Challenge Tracker page, have a look at my Kilimanjaro for Cancer challenge page. This is a challenge I'm planning to undertake in September to raise money for a national cancer charity and a local hospice. If anyone would like to sponsor me and help to me raise money for these two wonderful causes please visit my Kilimanjaro for Cancer website, where you'll find further details about why I'm undertaking the challenge and the charities I'm supporting.

    Lastly, as this is a fairly major new feature, we've launched it as a BETA release at present. Please let us know via the forum if you spot any bugs.

  • Ian Lang   Friday 11 Mar 2016 19:16:19

    Hi John, looks like a nice feature!  I've just created a challenge for a trail marathon I'm running (well run/walk) next weekend.  Haven't noted anything untoward, except that the 'share this page' link is not active? The news item suggests it should be shareable, so am I missing something here or is this something you need to look at?

  • plotaroute admin   Friday 11 Mar 2016 19:59:22

    Hi Ian - thanks for the feedback.  You should see social sharing icons above where it says Share This Link - are they not there?  If you're not seeing these can you let me know what browser you are using please and I'll try to recreate the problem here.

    Just so everyone is aware, the challenge tracker is primarily for multi-day or long-distance challenges where you have the opportunty to stop and check-in - it doesn't support real-time tracking.  I would recommended bookmarking the check-in page for your challenge so you can quickly get to it on your mobile device, or perhaps add it to your home screen - this should make it quicker to do your position updates.

    Good luck with the marathon Ian.


  • Ian Lang   Friday 11 Mar 2016 20:25:48

    Thanks John, first proper race for over a year, so excited & apprehensive in equal measure!

    sorry no, there are no icons above the 'share this link' text.

    I'm running Chrome Version 49.0.2623.87 beta-m (64-bit) on Windows 7 Enterprise SP1

    ....... ok, problem solved.  AdBlock was preventing them from appearing, when I disabled that I could see them.


  • Ian Lang   Monday 14 Mar 2016 08:41:51

    John, have you considered adding a comments box related to the challenge, in the same way you have one for each route?

    Might be nice for the challenger to be able to add some commentary as to how they are progressing, and also for the rest of the community to engage as the challenge progresses.


  • plotaroute admin   Monday 14 Mar 2016 10:02:02

    Funny enough I was thinking the same thing!  However, the idea didn't come up until the development work was nearly completed, so it was too late to add this into the first release of this feature, but hopefully we can add it in as an enhancement at a later date.  I've added it to our Feature Requests list (number 48), so anyone who is interested in it can vote for it there.


  • Ian Lang   Sunday 20 Mar 2016 07:28:49

    John,   tried to check into my challenge yesterday several times, but each time I got an error message around being unable to determine location and to ensure location services were switched on. Which they definitely were. Device is a galaxy s6.


  • plotaroute admin   Sunday 20 Mar 2016 22:01:28

    Thanks for flagging this up Ian - sorry it didn't work for you.  I've had a look into it and it appears that the Samsung Galaxy can be slow in acquiring a position fix, so it was probably timing out.  I've increased the timeout period to 60 seconds and also made soem changes to help identify what the cause is if it does fail. Would you mind checking to see if it now works on your Galaxy S6 please?


  • Ian Lang   Monday 21 Mar 2016 05:31:36

    No need for apologies John, it is in beta after all. Just tried again and got this popup after less than a second.

    Unable to detect your position. Permission not given or location services disabled

    Location services are definitely enabled. Not sure about permissions, will have a dig.

    I do have power saving  mode enabled, if this makes a difference?

  • Ian Lang   Monday 21 Mar 2016 05:46:55

    Turned  off power saving mode and it made no difference..

    Checked permissions for chrome and it can access location, both network and GPS based.

    So chrome doesn't work, but when I use the default android browser, it picks up the location almost immediately, so looks like a browser specific problem.

    I'll have a play with chrome settings later see if I can get to the bottom of it, but any pointers would be appreciated!



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