View route directions as waypoints

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  • Deleted User Tuesday 29 Mar 2016 22:53:44

    As a complement to the existing "directions" functionality, it'd be very useful to have the option of seeing each line item in a set of route directions as an intersection and town name. This would make manually transferring a route to a GPS device a snap (currently it's a tedious process).

    Apologies if this request is a duplicate of Use a route on Google Maps , but I don't think it is.

    Also, plotaroute is absolutely fantastic and I love it. Good luck and keep up the great work!

  • plotaroute admin   Wednesday 30 Mar 2016 09:11:02

    Hi Xub - Thanks for the kind feedback about the site, glad you like it.

    I'm afraid I don't quite undertand your suggestion - would you be able to give me an example please?   



  • Deleted User Wednesday 30 Mar 2016 14:37:06

    Sorry I didn't explain myself clearly. In order to program a route via a set of waypoints on my TomTom GPS (or "itinerary," in TomTom parlance), for each waypoint I enter a town name and cross streets, or town name and street address. When I create a route in plotaroute, this information isn't quite available in a convenient format on the client. If instead of what it displays for directions now, say,

    1. Head SW on The St toward Ricksons Ln
    2. At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto Epsom Rd
    3. Continue onto Chalk Ln

    etc., the user had the option of asking it to display or download directions in a very simple waypoint format, like:

    1. West Horsley, Lollesworth Ln and The St
    2. West Horsley, The St and Epsom Rd
    3. East Horsley, Epsom Rd and Chalk Ln

    it'd greatly simplify programming the device. Newer GPS are probably able to import routes as GPX or similar-format files, however, so perhaps I'd be the only one to use this feature and it's just time for me to upgrade.

    Thanks for listening!




  • Deleted User Sunday 29 May 2016 00:38:51

    Were you able to follow my example? Thanks!

  • plotaroute admin   Wednesday 01 Jun 2016 10:07:01

    Sorry, yes I did follow that.  I think this would be very difficult to do, both to extract the data in the format and to change the user interface to give people the option of choosing different formats.  Will your TomTom device not accept file transfers?  If you download the route as a GPX Route file rather than a GPX Track, it will contain the waypoints needed for the device to generate a route between them.


  • Deleted User Wednesday 01 Jun 2016 13:47:18

    Thanks, John. My TomTom can't read GPX files, but on Monday I wrote a quick script that converts GPX from plotaroute into the TomTom ITN ("itinerary") format, and breaks those ITN up into as many files as necessary to overcome the devices 48-waypoint-per-itinerary maximum. It works great!

  • plotaroute admin   Friday 03 Jun 2016 10:05:33

    Wow, very impressive - glad you found a solution.


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