Enhancements to profile tool

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  • Pierre Chartier   Thursday 28 Apr 2016 09:29:52

    I suggest to add to the profile tool a few features:

    - Color the profile depending  on how steep is the road (I suggested a similar feature for the map - improvement 44)

    - If we have added markers on the map (for example I generally add a marker for each pass I go through), make it visible on the profile, with its altitude and distance from the start. (Instead of using the customs labels, copy the labels from the map. Make the labels printable with the profile.

    - Even better : like we can add directions automatically (which I personally do not use for my bike paths), add the high and low points automatically on the map, and on the profile.

    - Review routes statistics which are exagerated. On a 55km route I rode recently, the tool gave me 1500m uphill. Reality is around 1050. Steepest uphill was at 36% (no way I can climb this!) Steepest downhill -23.3% (pretty scary!) The filter bumps option did not help much.

  • plotaroute admin   Thursday 28 Apr 2016 17:19:31

    Thanks for your suggestions Pierre.  I'll have a look through those.

    If you add any labels to a map, these should already be pre-loaded when you view the route profile - as per this example: Kilimanjaror Machame Route - Route Profile


  • Pierre Chartier   Thursday 28 Apr 2016 23:14:37

    OK, that's because  I was just adding points with "notes", not labels. Now I will add both

    Thanks for the hint!

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