Some Turns give wrong direction?

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  • Rob Hipskind Friday 08 Jul 2016 13:29:51

    Hi - brand new user and love the software.  I am plotting my first route and see insatnce where a left turn is actually a right and a right turn is actually a left.  I am severely geographically challenged but these seem wrong.  What am I doing wrong?  I assume that you can see my only route as it is public?  Here are my examples  -  Point 3 says turn right but should be a left.  Points 6, 10 and 13 say left turn but should be right.  Thanks in advance for your help.  

  • Rob Hipskind Friday 08 Jul 2016 18:39:09

    update - I found the edit function and went in and just changed the wrong "lefts and rights" in the directions.  Ride is tomorrow so I need to get the que sheets done.  Sorry if my changes make the resolution harder to determine.  Rob

  • plotaroute admin   Monday 11 Jul 2016 11:05:03

    That's odd.  I can't seem to be able to recreate the problem here - when I plot those sections of the route the directions come our correctly for me.  Can you try plotting one of those turns in insolation to see if the same thing happens?


  • Rob Hipskind Monday 11 Jul 2016 13:43:49

    Thanks John.  I added a second route called test route for turn errors (  It is the first 44 miles of the original 125 mile route.  I left all rows in that generated this time so it would be unchanged for you.  

    Wrong Turns:

    7 - should be a left onto whitney

    10 - should be a left onto foster

    18 - should be right onto griggs

    Partial Turn Direction:

    2, 8 and 25 - gives the Head East or West but does not give the turn left or right command too

    Bad command - my errrors?

    6 - you do not head back North.  I think the plot mark I made is not right at the corner but maybe a bit beyond causing the route to backtrack just a little bit.  

    9 - think this one is my fault as I clicked the intersection but it was just beyond where software epected so it reversed me just a little.  

    Odd command placement:

    16 - did I do something wrong that caused command of head straight to be created so close to the turn?  Not a problem, just odd to me.  





  • Rob Hipskind Monday 11 Jul 2016 13:55:31

    Just had the lightbulb moment seconds after my last post when I went back and tried to plot one turn in isolation.  My error on 6 causes row 7 to be needed.  My error on 9 causes row 10 to be needed.  I missed the exact turn on 18 which causes the backtrack.  I need to select after the turn a bit rather than right at the intersection!!  My bad...


    So really my only remaining questions are the three places where it doesnt give Left/Right commands and if I did something wrong on 16 casuing the instruction so close to the turn.  

  • plotaroute admin   Tuesday 12 Jul 2016 11:18:54

    It sounds like that's the explanation then - if you clicked past the junction you wanted to turn at, the turn instruction would then be the opposite of what you expect, as you would have to double back before turning.

    I'm afraid we can't control the exact text that is generated for the turn instructions - these come from the 3rd party routing services we use, so if you want to expand any text to include additional instructions you would need to do this manulaly.


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