I'd like to have the ability to customize my marker with my own image like the one below. I'd also like to be able to place other small marker images if I wanted to. We do events/races and it would be nice to mark where certain things will be during the events with custom items.
Thanks for the suggestion Cyndee - I've added it to our Feature Request list (number 65) where people can vote for it.
I like the Symbols feature but, like Cyndee, find the range a bit limited. While it would be good to be able to add anything I choose, I would find simply a greater range of standard symbols very helpful. I've only been using Plotaroute for a few weeks and have already spotted the abscence of: Shop, Seat, Bus Stop, Gate, Stile, Sign Post. The letters of the alphabet 'A', 'B' etc might also be useful. Perhaps Cyndee (and others) could vote for ones they would find it helpful to be included?
May be this links up with Feature Request No. 2? Not strictly 'custom' but a wider range of icons might substatially answer the need as per my post below.