Hi John,
Thanks, actually I now realise that turning off Auto-Plot enables me to do what I wanted, i.e. to include off-path sections in a route, apart from marking the off-path section in a different colour, which is less important.
I'll have a go at updating the OpenStreetMap data.
Hi Paul - thanks for the nice feedback about the site. There isn't a way to mark sections of the route (I'll add this to our feature rewquest list) but you can add symbols to the map, which you could use to indicate this. You can add symbols in the Directions Panel (click DIR'NS to show this panel and then click ADD/EDIT to add new notes and choose a symbol - drag the Edit marker on the map to where you want the symbol to appear first).
If you want to add to the Paths map you can contribute to the base map data if you like, which uses OpenStreetMap data - this is the link for this:
Contribute to OpenStreetMap Data
I've just started using Plotaroute and it's brilliant. However in plotting my first routes in conjunction with an Ordnance Survey map I've noticed that some paths or sections of paths are missing in the Plotaroute map (I've got Paths as the option in the top right of the map). This is probably not your fault but is there a way of marking a section of route that is cross-country and off-path? I didn't seem to be able to do this. If there isn't may I suggest this as an enhancement, perhaps marking such sections in a different colour so that it's clear where they are?
Also is there a way of reporting missing paths? I've walked one of them so I know it's there.