offline maps

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  • jason davies Tuesday 07 Mar 2017 15:41:52


    I am brand new to this awesome site - had no idea such things were possible ie i'm obviously not very tech savvy, and just spent the best part of a day getting my head around creating a route and downloading it via my PC onto my android phone (got there in the end - phew!). Anyway, i did search the forum for answers to my question, and there were some posts, but not sure if i fully understand. I'm planning a long distance hike (500 miles or so), and would like to be able to use the route i have plotted when there is no mobile signal. Is it possible to use a saved route in this way ie simply use it as a map with the route plotted on it? This would be useful not just where no signal is available (very likely in the areas i am trekking), but to avoid gobbling up lots of data. The only idea i have to work around this at present is to view the map on my PC and take photos from my phone of the screen - but for a 500 mile trek this is going to take rather a lot of time.

    any ideas / suggestions please?


    many thanks



  • plotaroute admin   Wednesday 08 Mar 2017 09:32:36

    Hi Jason - glad you like the site.  We don't have an offline maps app of our own but there are a number of GPS apps in the app stores with offline maps features. I believe ViewRanger is one example.

    Anyone else have any specific recommendations for GPS walking apps?


  • jason davies Tuesday 14 Mar 2017 16:20:12

    ok, many thanks for getting back to me


  • Ferre Vangeel   Monday 02 Apr 2018 13:48:19

    OSMAND+ app is a very handy tool, installing off-line maps from any country in the world, GPS supported and routable.

  • Peder Andersen   Tuesday 03 Apr 2018 08:24:43

    I second the OSMand app. A very usefull app with lots of features including following a gpx route.

  • Colin Hoppe   Sunday 08 Apr 2018 15:43:25

    An alternative option - without offline maps - is to use Track Navigator.  It will follow the GPX you plotted and give voice directions.  Turn off the screen to save the battery.  It will read the directions created by Plotaroute, but you can amend them, add to them, clarify them as you like in Plotaroute before downloadding outo your phone.

    It doesn't need a map ... it just follows the GPX.  If you miss a turn, it simply says "off track".  If the mistake isn't obvious, you can looks at the track on your phone so you know where you are supposed to be ... and it shows where you actually are.  Very simple.


    It's true that Osmand will also follow a GPX, but it doesn't read the Plotaroute instructions.  It can see the map and will tell you all about the bends coming up etc.  For me, it talks too much !  However, if you are somewhere - lost - and want to get home, Osmand is a proper GPS system and if you tell it you are on a bike then it will take you on a suitable route.  From that point of view it's very good.


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