Message "Sorry - we were unable to auto-plot to this point"

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  • luca lor Monday 01 May 2017 18:13:10

    Dear support,

    trying to plot a route in Italy map I get the message "Sorry - we were unable to auto-plot to this point." when I click the map to set the first point, preventing any further step towards route creation. The route is correctly plotting when I choose a location in France, Germany or Austria (just to mention the location I tried).

    Is there an expantation for this malfunction?



  • plotaroute admin   Tuesday 02 May 2017 08:47:03

    Hi Luca - the Auto-Plot feature should work almost everywhere and certainly includes Italy in its coverage, however it can only plot points if you click near known roads and paths. It could have been a temporary glitch but you could also try selecting a different Map Type - i.e. if you are using the "Paths" map, try the default "Map" - or temporarily turning off the Auto-Plot feature.


  • luca lor Tuesday 02 May 2017 10:18:58

    Thanks John,

    what is actually not working in Italy is the "Autoplot - Bike" feature. Using "Road" option everything is OK. Tested Monday, May 2nd at 9.15 UTC.


  • plotaroute admin   Tuesday 02 May 2017 13:04:01

    Thanks Luca.  I've reported this issue to Google - I don't know why they are not returning bike directions for this country, I can only assume it's a temporary problem.  In the meantime you can still Auto-Plot by bike in Italy using the Paths map, which doesn't use Google for the routing service.


  • plotaroute admin   Wednesday 03 May 2017 09:55:28

    I've had a response from Google and apparently Google does not have bike directions for Italy, so you would either need to use the Paths map to auto-plot in Italy or select the "By Road" or "On Foot" option on the Auto-Plot feature instead of "By Bike".


  • Tamás Fábián   Friday 02 Aug 2019 15:55:17

    I just upgreded as a premium member and since that time it says: Sorry, unable to auto-plot. At the same time it works on my Ipad, but does not work on my laptop.

  • plotaroute admin   Saturday 03 Aug 2019 07:32:45

    Hi Tamás - thanks for upgrading. This message means that a route can't be worked out between the last point you plotted and the position of the point you are currently plotting.  Routng for this will depend on your Auto-Plot settings and the map type being used, so changing either of these may help (often changing it to "On Foot" overcomes this as there are fewer routing restrictions on pedestrians than bikes).  Otherwise, you would need to plot in a different place or temporarily turn off the Auto-Plot switch.

    The Premium route planner uses the same auto-plot routing as the Standard one apart from when you're plotting on Google maps, when it uses Google's routing service, so if you're using Google maps, perhaps try temporarily switching to one of the non-Google maps.


  • Tamás Fábián   Saturday 03 Aug 2019 15:20:50

    Thanks for the answer, John. The problem is that I used the same map many times in standard mode without any problem. On my Ipad I still can use it, but in the laptop it does not work at all.. (same routes as before, sam map as before)

  • plotaroute admin   Sunday 04 Aug 2019 09:08:23

    That's very odd.  It's hard to know what's happeneing without seeing exactly where you're plotting and what settings you have.  Can you let me know the route you're editing and I'll try it here?  Also, the Map Type and Auto-Plot settings you have set.



  • Michael Williams Friday 24 Apr 2020 02:54:16


    I am getting the error "Sorry - we were unable to auto-plot to this point. Please turn off the Auto-plot switch to continue plotting".
    I have tried swtiching to all different maps and no such luck. This only started occuring yesterday and I cant figure out why. 

    It is only happening when i select 'By road" and "Avoid highways". I just try plotting a small distance (5km) first but it doesnt seem to work. 

    Please help. 



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