Cycle routes are completely wrong

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  • JJ PP Thursday 04 May 2017 09:09:43

    If I plot a map with map type set to "paths" and tick the "auto plot by bike" checkbox - you can't plot routes along bridleways (UK paths that allow bikes). It forces your royte to use footpaths which biking is not allowed.

    This is works completely backwards to how it should work.



  • plotaroute admin   Friday 05 May 2017 10:25:06

    Hi - it's possible that the path you want to plot on is not designated on the map database for cycling.  If you are using the Paths map you can update the map to correct issues like this.  We have some advice on how to to this in our post on Making Changes to the Paths Map.


  • JJ PP Friday 05 May 2017 14:16:28

    In that case the path database is wrong, becasue wherever I try it allows me to plt on footpaths and prohibits plotting on bridleways.

    OSM is correct, and I thought that's where you pulled the data from?

  • plotaroute admin   Friday 05 May 2017 14:42:44

    It's possible that OSM shows that bridleway on the map but that it is not explicity tagged as suitable for cycling.  You can check this using the instructions in the link in my previous post to examine the tags on the bridelway you are trying to plot on.  Or if you can give me an example I can have a look into it here.


  • Anthony Kemp-Jones Friday 23 Aug 2019 23:07:28

    My first attempt at testing the cycle plotting (911513) has used footpaths at km 3 and 11. I checked the OSM data for the footpath it used at km 3, it says Bicycles Unspecified. The cycle path (route 21), which it hasn't used, says Bicycles Yes. I was using the Cycle Map and Auto Plot by bike.

  • David S Thursday 18 Jun 2020 09:46:30

    Still seems to be a problem here in the UK.  Just started using and i really like it but I have noticed that this is still a big issue for trying to plot an offroad cycling route.  I will check the link below but it does just seem to be set up backwards somehow.

  • Mark Worthington   Wednesday 01 Jul 2020 23:53:23

    I have struggled with similar issues (limitations of the routing engines used).

    When using "auto-plot by Bike", it will sometimes choose footpaths. One workaround is to try 
    "auto-plot by Road", but my experience when using "auto-plot by Bike" is just to plot carefully!

    When using "auto-plot By Bike", it will sometimes fail to use bridleways. A workaround is to choose "auto-plot On Foot" for those sections.

    Sometimes, the "auto-plot" fails altogether (maybe because the underlying OSM map is not correct) ..... just turn of Off for those (usually) sort sections.

  • Tony Watson Saturday 04 Jul 2020 14:44:14

    Parts of National Cycle Route 21 run close to me and Plotaroute will not allow some sections to be used except on foot.   For example teh section south from Merstham to Nutfield Marsh Road via Mercers farm and from Philanthropic Road in Redhill to Asylum Arch Road.   On teh ground these routes are clearly signposted as part of the National Cycle Network.   See my recent ropute

  • Mark Worthington   Saturday 04 Jul 2020 19:28:47

    Yes, I've seen just things. But I believe it's not "plotaroute" per se, but the limitations of underlying OSM maps (not being tagged correctly, maybe) and the routing engines. See

    On the other hand, for all the times OSM etc works, it's free .......

  • plotaroute admin   Monday 06 Jul 2020 08:13:09

    Hi Tony - please see our FAQ about paths that won't auto-plot for information about this.

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