I've recently been testing out some of my routes 'in the field' using the printed output and discovered that there seems to be no way of relating a direction to its location on the map?! This makes the printed directions almost impracticable to use. The ID number for each direction really needs to appear on the map.
I know distance markers are there and these are helpful but it is really the direction IDs that are essential.
I wonder if there could be an option, at the printing stage, to print 1) distance markers, 2) direction IDs or 3) both. To avoid confusion, perhaps distance markers could be in black text in white circles (as at present) and direction IDs in white text in black circles?
The direction IDs could also be useful when viewing the map on-line but at least on-line it is possible to hover over a direction to see where the marker pops up. On printed output there is no way to see the connection.
That's a good suggestion Martyn - thank you. I've added it to our Feature Requests list (number 70).
Hi John,
Various friends have been testing out the routes I have put together based on Farncombe rail-station. A universal complaint is the inability to relate printed directions to the map. There are two problems:
At the moment, because of point 2 they struggle to mitigate point 1.
I wonder if this issue could be bunked up the priority list a bit? It looks likely that the walks will soon be published locally, both in printed format and via links on websites (Godalming Town Council, Surrey Hills, and the Haslemere to Farncombe Communty Rail Partnership are all interested.)
I know that the needs of cyclists will be different, so I'm not proposing a wholeslave switch, but rather the inclusion of some choices.
Best regards,
Thanks for this feedback Martyn. As you'll see from the Feature Requests list, there are a very large number of competing requests, so unfortunately I can't make any promises. I do like the idea of an option to display direction markers on the map though.
Totally agree. Direction reference (ID) numbers (1,2,3 etc) should be shown on the map when you print to PDF. Makes complete sense. Otherwise the directions are of little use. I would have thought that it would not take much to implement this change?