Bike routes - road only please!

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  • The Manj Friday 14 Mar 2014 09:12:31

    This is a great site, and much more user friendly than similar sites I've tried so good work.

    One element that I can't see that would be really useful - I want to plot cycling routes for road riding that avoid things like cycle paths, canal tow paths etc. and stay on proper paved roads only. Is there a way that this can be specified as an option?

    Also, is there a reason the autorouting feature is capped at 100 miles? Any chance of upping that by another 100?!

  • plotaroute admin   Friday 14 Mar 2014 12:55:03

    Thanks for the kind feedback.  It's great that you find it user friendly - making the route planner simple and uncluttered were key objectives.  And thanks also for your suggestions.

    Plotting cycle routes that stick to roads should already be possible - you just need to set the Auto-Plot switch to "By Road" and it should stick to roads and not use paths.

    Regarding the 100 mile cap on the mileage for the Make Me a Route feature, the main reason for this is that the slider becomes fiddly to use for people wanting short routes (say 4-5 miles long) if the slider range is too large.  However, we're planning on making some enhancements to this feature to add more options, which will involve some design changes, so we can certainly look at increasing the maximum distance then.

  • The Manj Saturday 15 Mar 2014 15:26:04

    Ok, thanks. The roads only option is mostly fine, but does include the odd bridleway and unpaved "service road". I realise this may be a map issue rather than something fixable from your perspective.

    On the cap, how about having the slider as the primary distance selector, but also give the option to click on the numerical distance and just type in something else?

  • plotaroute admin   Monday 17 Mar 2014 07:42:06

    Thanks for the suggestion about the distance slider.  We're expecting to make more changes to this feature in the near future though, so will pick it up then as we'll probably be moving the slider to a pop up window where there would be space to add other options. 

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