Various Peak Heights on Paths view incorrect

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  • Damien Cassells Thursday 25 May 2017 10:45:06

    Maybe this has been Brought up before but I noticed this morning that there are 10 and more Peak Heights incorrect.

    EG Gravale should be 718m not 770 and Duff Hill Should be 720m not 772. Lugnaquilla is down as 977 when it should be 923.

    Can it be explained how this was allowed to occur? As my GPS, Google Maps and EASTWEST all correlate against heights shown on Maps

  • plotaroute admin   Thursday 25 May 2017 12:17:05

    Hi Damien - The short answer is I'm not sure! The Paths map that you're referring to uses data from OpenStreetMap.  I've checked one of the peaks on OpenStreetMap (Duff Hill) and it shows on there as 772m too. According to the OpenStreetMap Wiki entry for elevation, it uses the "elevation above mean sea level defined by the World Geodetic System, revision WGS84", which is apparently not the same as the height above the WGS84 elipsoid, which is what some GPS devices report.  That's the best explanation I can find!  I think it boils down to different approaches to measuring.


  • Damien Cassells Thursday 25 May 2017 15:46:46

    Thats a fair enough alright. Different Points of view.

    The only thing thats odd is Mullaghcleevaun is showing the correct height 849m in relation to my references. As I'm sure people who are likely to use this website know, it is the 2nd highest point in Wicklow but it is suggesting that Clogharnagh is higher at 852m.

    The only thing I would be worried about is that somebody who is not aware of these, would get the wrong impression.



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