Gpx way point repetition

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  • Deleted User Tuesday 18 Jul 2017 09:08:08

    Hello, I've been using OsmAnd+ on my Android phone for several months and find it very good, when I create a gpx file with OsmAnd I get turn by turn voice navigation, but when I create a Gpx file using and use it on OsmAnd I get lots of annoying information {you are passing Gpx way point turn right, you are passing Gpx way point turn left turn left) these Instructions go on and on its very distracting. 

    In OsmAnd I've disabled anounce Gpx way points

    In I've reduced the number of points when saving the file. 

    I have also saved the file without ruducing points with the same problem. 

    Any advice greatfuly received. 

  • plotaroute admin   Wednesday 19 Jul 2017 15:32:41

    H Val - waypoints are added to GPX files for each of the directions, so if you want to download a GPX route without waypojnts, you will need to delete the directions first (in the route planner).  You don't have to resave the route after deleting the directions so they will still be there when you next reload the route as long as you don't save the changes).


  • Deleted User Thursday 20 Jul 2017 11:43:41

    Waypoints are added to GPX files for each of the directions, so if you want to download a GPX route without waypojnts, you will need to delete the directions first (in the route planner)

    Is there a tutorial for this ? I can't figure out how to do it, I have gone to my account settings and unselected Generate Directions (with Auto-Plot only) is that what i shoud do ?

    If I delete the directions will I still get voice guided navigation ?



  • plotaroute admin   Friday 21 Jul 2017 09:13:35

    To delete directions for a route follow these instructions:

    1. Edit the route in the route planner (click Edit from the My Routes panel on your home page after signing in).

    2. Click the "EDIT THIS ROUTE" button at the top of the map to go into Edit mode.

    3. Click ""DIR'NS" in the action panel in the bottom right corner of the map if the Directions panel is not already displayed.

    4. Click the "MANAGE" button in thr Directions panel.

    5. Tick the check boxes for all the directions you want to delete (click on the tick symbol in the table header to select them all).

    6. Click the DELETE button in the Directions panel.

    You can then download your route without directions. If you want to save these changes click SAVE as normal.

    Hope that helps.



  • Deleted User Friday 21 Jul 2017 11:14:40

    Thank you John

    Voice directions are much better now



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