Generate url for Navigate in mobile Google Maps app

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  • Jasper Overige Thursday 31 Aug 2017 14:33:13

    Thank you for the reply and nice to know it is on the Feature Request list.

    I agree with the cons you mentioned.
    That's exactly what I tried to say with 'This rely strong on the calculating of Google (..)quite simple workaround for low profile planning.'
    That does not alter the fact that it can be a nifty feature, when presented with a disclaimer, it serves the 'light' users not looking for exact the same route as plotted. 

    Besides, I understand there are a lot of other features with a higher prio screaming for your attention. 

    Keep up the good work!





  • plotaroute admin   Thursday 31 Aug 2017 08:50:38

    Hi Jasper - this is on our Feature Requests list (number 40).   I don't think there is any way to import a detailed route to the Google Maps App at present, only a series of waypoints, which Google will then calculate its own route in between. If the waypoints are passed as a URL, like the example you gave, it would only be possible to send a small number of waypoints as there is a limit on URL lengths and Google may possibly impose its own limit on the number of waypoints too, so the result may not be the route expected. 


  • Jasper Overige Wednesday 30 Aug 2017 15:33:32


    I've experimented a bit more with the referenced site ( and it seems it only exports 4 waypoints, including start and finish (just2 points on the route)

    FOr example with this route of 200 km:,5.3878266/52.3477478,5.7559882/51.9795862,5.9476246/51.7879497,5.5794631/52.1561113,5.3878266/

    This rely strong on the calculating of Google and certainly will not be the same route as plotted but in general it's a good and quite simple workaround for low profile planning.

    I suggest you use always 10 waypoints. Excluded start- and finish, the eight remaining evenly distributed over the route


  • Jasper Overige Wednesday 30 Aug 2017 15:04:43

    I think this is a very lightweight solution to use the plotaroute routes on a mobile device with voice navigation.

    It would be great if there is a feature to generate a Google Maps url with the Waypoints as desinations in the url.


    When opening this URL on a mobile phone it is possible to navigate it with the Google Maps app. Voice Navigation included. Great :-)

    At the moment it is already possible to download a GPX file with just the Waypoints, suited for automatic navigation apps. I think (hope) that the basis/data from this feature can be reused for generating the url. A point of attention is the maximum number of destinations in the url.

    I've seen, and used, this technique on a dutch website ( for generating routes based on strava (straight forward, it lacks top notch editing features like plotaroute...) and it works very well. 


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