Printing routes

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  • Andy Beck Tuesday 24 Feb 2015 12:11:02

    Firstly- what a great mapping system, I have been looking for ages for something like this.

    Question: When printing a route is there any way to add the directions to be printed on the same page as the map? I just tried a test print of a route and there was a lot of wasted paper. As a walker it woud be handy to have all the info on just one sheet (if directions etc allow)


  • plotaroute admin   Tuesday 24 Feb 2015 14:50:16

    Hi Andy - thanks for your kind feedback.

    We don't have an option for directions to be printed on the same page as the map at the moment.  I can add this to the feature request list.  I think this could be quite difficult to deliver though, as the directions can vary in length quite a lot, so it would make the formatting quite complicated.  It's something we can consider though.  Thanks for your feedback on this.




  • Andy Beck Tuesday 24 Feb 2015 16:17:55

    No problem, it was just a thought.

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