Map is too small in print preview screed

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  • plotaroute admin   Tuesday 27 Feb 2018 09:17:58

    Hi Bill - the map should fill the page, unless you are including the elevation profile.  Did you select "Letter" as the page size before printing?  If you can email me examples that would be great - I'll contect you with an email address.

    I'll also look into the possibility of providing an option to print using your browser as well as to a PDF document.  My concern with browser printing is that it can be prone to bugs that are out of our control and also the print output depends on which browser and printer you are using, so it's very difficult for us to provide support for this.  If we print to a PDF document from our server we can ensure a consistent result. 


  • Bill Orchard   Monday 26 Feb 2018 16:08:09


    The PDF printing is nothing new.  I have been doing it for years with pdf995.  I would rather be able to print from the browser using pdf995 to make the pdf.  I have control over its size.

    I have tried your suggestioins but I am just looking for a one page map that fills the whole 8-1/2 by 11 page when I print.

    How can I get back to printing from the browser?  Can I get back to an older version of plotaroute?  Can't there be an option to browser print or use the pdf printing?

    Please advise, thanks,


    PS  I could email you pdf's of before and after

  • plotaroute admin   Monday 26 Feb 2018 10:40:19

    Hi Bill - we introduced PDF printing in January, as there were a growing number of people reporting problems printing from their browser.  Each browser prints differently, so this was giving unpedictable results.  Sometimes, parts of the maps were missing or misaligned due to bugs in the browser print process.  If you want to see your route on a more detailed map, the best way to do this is to use the Multi-Page option available to Premium members. This will print the map in smaller sections across several pages, so a higher zoom level can be achieved.  You could also try different page layouts (landscape vs portrait).


  • Bill Orchard   Monday 26 Feb 2018 02:55:18

    Last year once I decided to print a map I could change the size of the print preview with + or - buttons prior to printing it.  Now that option has disappeared and is replaced by a pdf print preveiw.  How can I change the size of the map to fill the entire page when printed and thus give more detail?

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