Character encoding

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  • N/A N/A Saturday 23 Jun 2018 22:20:43



    It seems like there might be something amiss character encoding wise?


    For example, taking a look at this route:


    It should be named "LetištÄ› Ladná → Bernhardsthaler Teichstüberl" and that's what the smaller text inside the map's black frame says. The big title however reads "LetiÅ¡tÄ› Ladná → Bernhardsthaler Teichstüberl" which is a bit harder to recognise. ☺




  • plotaroute admin   Monday 25 Jun 2018 18:44:26

    Thanks for flagging this up.  We'll look into it and try to resolve it.


  • ando mamen Tuesday 07 Aug 2018 07:08:56

    A character encoding tells the computer how to interpret raw zeroes and ones into real characters. It usually does this by pairing numbers with characters. Words and sentences in text are created from characters and these characters are grouped into a character set. There are many different types of character encodings floating around at present, but the ones we deal most frequently with are ASCII, 8-bit encodings, and Unicode-based encodings.

  • Thorsten & Andreas Auf Tour Thursday 13 Jun 2019 18:33:52

    I also have an issue - when renaming routes, they start with the three characters  - this means they are then near impossible to find when I want to combine routes.


  • plotaroute admin   Friday 14 Jun 2019 09:22:14

    Hi - I've corrected the names of those routes for you. I haven't been able to work out how those spurious characters got added to the route names though - do you know when they appeared?  If you can let me know how to reproduce the problem I can track down what's causing it so we can prevent it occuring in future.


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