When I am trying to track my course on a route I have made and I have touched on the compass and it begins to rotate so the everthing appears to be working but the phone times out and switches off what am I doing wrong ?
Hi Mark - I'm not quite sure what you mean when you say it times out. If the phone is going into sleep mode after a period of time, this is normal behaviour and you would need to change the Sleep Mode settings on your phone to delay or prevent it doing this.
thanks for the reply, the phone is going into sleep mode but i asume if you are trying to track the route you have previously plotted and then activate the compass it would stay in that tracking mode untill you switced it off ( or ran out of battery) like your sat nav !
I'm afraid this isn't possible as its not an app, so we can't control features on the phone like the sleep mode, sorry.
thanks for that,now i know its not the phone i can stop beating it with the hammer !
Hello Mark
I'm no expert on phones but I've got an Honor 4x (Huawei) and apps only stay running when the screen is off IF I have specifically selected them in Settings > Protected Apps ...
If your phone is like mine, then perhaps that's the answer ...