Splitting Routes

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  • plotaroute admin   Tuesday 23 Apr 2019 11:21:05

    New Split a Route featureWe're very pleased to announce another great new feature for our Premium members - a route planner function that lets you to split one route into up to 15 separate routes.

    The new Split a Route feature will be great news for anyone planning long distance routes that wants to split up them into more manageable chunks, perhaps daily sections to load onto a GPS device. Splitting a route is simply a matter of choosing where along the route you want to split it and then letting the system do all the rest, saving each one as a separate route with a numeric suffix to help you identify them. You can create a fortnight's worth of routes in just a few clicks with this new feature.

    If you want to do the opposite and join several routes together into one long route, you can also do this using our Combine Routes feature. Both of these features are available under the "Create" menu and the Plot Function toolkit in the route planner.

    If you're currently a Standard member and would like to find out more about other features like the new Split a Route function that are exclusively available under Premium membership, please visit our Membership Options page.

  • Michael Raider   Friday 26 Apr 2019 04:10:03

    Neat new functions.

    I was playing around with splitting a ride with a single detour in the middle of the ride. I had to perform the split function two times to create the four sections of the ride: 1) beginning, 2) middle, 3) middle detour, and 4) end.

    For my purposes, it would be nice if there was a one-click method to split a route with a detour. That way when I get to the beginnning of the detour I can just select the appropriate course on my computer to continue the ride.

  • plotaroute admin   Friday 26 Apr 2019 09:08:59

    I'm glad you like this new feature Michael.  I'm afraid it was just a bit too complicated for us to add support for splitting routes with detours though, as detours could straddle the split locations making it all very confusing!


  • Chris Dickson Monday 17 Feb 2020 16:01:30

    My brother is in a group that does walk/runs - walk 1 min, run 1.5 min intervals. I was going to plot one of the routes they do and build that in. Not sure the split route tool can do that, perhaps you have a suggestion? And btw, great tool. I used to be Events Director for a military base and sent plotaroute.com to my old bosses/colleagues in case they want to use for all the runs, parades, etc.

  • plotaroute admin   Tuesday 18 Feb 2020 08:34:15

    The Split a Route tool can't split a route by time intervals, only by distance - at locations along the route that you specify. It's main purpose is for breaking up one long route into several shorter routes. We don't have any way of splitting a route by time intervals I'm afraid.

  • Colin Jones   Sunday 04 Oct 2020 11:23:32



    I've used this feature and it's great, thank you.


    I am currently walking the London Green Belt Way, which conveniently splits into 21 sections.


    Any possible easy tweak that could increase the number of splits please, using the above function?


    Thank you,



  • plotaroute admin   Monday 05 Oct 2020 08:55:45

    Hi Colin - We can certainly look at this but this isn't something we can quickly change I'm afraid - we would need to do this as part of the next upgrade to the route planner. The easiest thing to do for now is to split the route into two routes first and save each one, then split the two routes accordingly.

  • Colin Jones   Sunday 11 Oct 2020 09:50:34

    OK, thank you for your suggestion, and look forward to seeing this if possible



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