More efficient direction correction workflow on both mobile and computer web

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  • Peter Höglund   Monday 10 Jun 2019 21:32:21

    Yes, I certainly would like to have someone argue with me about what I think is the best way to do it.

    How Im using the functions probably isn't the best way to do it all the time, so some feedback from fellow users are much appreciated. 

    For instance the zoom level function are one of the lowest priority for me, but if Im in an area with few directions then it could be more efficient to stay in an outzoomed level and vice versa.

    To be able go through all direction in a route efficient on the mobile without getting lost where I am is my overall main concern.

  • plotaroute admin   Monday 10 Jun 2019 08:52:07

    Thanks for all this feedback Peter, that's much appreciated. We'll go through these and see if there are any quick fixes we can do immediately. I'm sure there are some tweaks from your list that everybody will like, however there will inevitably be some things that not everyone agrees with - for example, you've asked that when you click on one of the directions in the list for it to not zoom in, whereas some other people have asked for the opposite!! If there are things we can easily adjust to improve overall usability though, we'll certainly see what we can do.


  • Peter Höglund   Sunday 09 Jun 2019 13:25:17

    The flexible way of creating directions is one of the best features of plotaroute and that differents plotaroute from others. The newly introduced enhancements are great, like the one to create a direction from hills view or possibility to have a separate route name to the downloaded fit file.

    Though, I see many small and some bigger enhancements that can be done to optimize the workflow of going through the directions after they have been automatically generated and that would save me a lot of time.

    Mobile web:

    • It's great that I can long press a direction in the list and that the map follows, but it changes zoom level. I would prefer that it didn't change zoom level.
    • I would also like the direction row in the list to be highlighted in some way. Just to better see which direction I just looked at and when to look at next.
    • When short click, to edit direction, I also would like the list to remain when coming back after editing the direction and that the direction just opened, to be highlighted, to see which one that I edited.
    • I would also like to be able to go through the directions from map view with the direction list opened. Long press a direction on the map should highlight the direction in the list and short click should open the direction for editing.
    • After a direction is deleted, I would like the list to still remain and the next direction to be highlighted and the center of the map.

    Computer web, edit map mode:


    • When hovering over the directions in the list, I would like the map to center over that direction without changing the zoom level.
    • To be able to select a direction in the list for edit or just to be selected/highlighted in the list and centered in map.
    • To be able to select a direction on the map for edit (click) or just to be selected/highlighted in the list (maybe long press or a separate button).
    • Esc key to close the edit direction dialogue.

    Both mobile and computer web:

    • Direction arrows and text do not always match, for instance, text 'sharp right' becomes a right arrow or text 'left' becomes a 'slightly left' arrow.
    • Always a couple of directions have text, but not an arrow at all. When it is downloading as fit I get a random arrow for it.
    • A direction for top of hill, with symbol mountain, get an arrow symbol when saving to fit. I would like fit file support for all symbols supported by fit file standard.
      •         Generic = 0,
      •         Summit = 1,
      •         Valley = 2,
      •         Water = 3,
      •         Food = 4,
      •         Danger = 5,
      •         Left = 6,
      •         Right = 7,
      •         Straight = 8,
      •         FirstAid = 9,
      •         FourthCategory = 10,
      •         ThirdCategory = 11,
      •         SecondCategory = 12,
      •         FirstCategory = 13,
      •         HorsCategory = 14,
      •         Sprint = 15,
      •         LeftFork = 16,
      •         RightFork = 17,
      •         MiddleFork = 18,
      •         SlightLeft = 19,
      •         SharpLeft = 20,
      •         SlightRight = 21,
      •         SharpRight = 22,
      •         UTurn = 23,
      •         SegmentStart = 24,
      •         SegmentEnd = 25,


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