Course uploaded to Garmin missing total ascent and descent

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  • Steve We Wednesday 21 Aug 2019 10:39:10

    If I save a course as a FIT file and manually upload to my Garmin Edge 130, when I look at the course summary it shows a total ascent of 0 and a total descent of 0.

    Courses uploaded from Garmin's course creator show the correct total ascent and total descent of the course, so I compared the FIT files produced by Garmin and plotaroute and I think I have found the cause of this.

    In the Garmin produced FIT file the 'total ascent' and 'total descent' fields appear within the 'lap message' within the FIT file, whereas within the plotaroute files these fields do not appear. 

    Using the FIT SDK I wrote something to add these fields to the 'lap message' within the plotaroute FIT file and uploaded this onto my Garmin and the summary showed the values I entered in the summary.

    So I think the total ascent and total descent of a course simply need to be added to the corresponding fields in lap message when exporting a FIT file from plotaroute in order to fix this.

    Hoping that you will consider this for inclusion in a future update.

  • plotaroute admin   Thursday 22 Aug 2019 09:26:09

    Thanks Steve. We'll need to do some investigation on that one.  I wasn't aware that ascent data could be included in FIT files for courses, I thought it was only for FIT files for activities. I appreciate the information about how to add this, we'll look into that when we get chance. 


  • Steve We Tuesday 27 Aug 2019 17:12:41

    Thanks, and no problem. If it helps, here is a course downloaded from Garmin Connect which has the 'total ascent' and 'total descent' fields in the 'lap' data message:

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