Recorded elevation profile

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  • Lucas Sichardt   Monday 09 Sep 2019 19:16:13



    I just recognized that the elevation profile of a route seems to be calculated by some elevation data source (SRTM I guess). As my navigation device records elevation data as well it qould be better to show the recorded data -espacially when the route is situated in very hilly landscape or mountains. 

    An example:

    You can see a steep downhill followed by a steep uphill section at km 12,5 to km 13 which is not present at all in reality. I guess it's caused by a rough elevation model or by inaccuracy when matching the GPS position with the elevation model as the street is situated just at a cliff with large elevation differences 10m left or right of the street.

    Is it possible to tell plotaroute to use my recorded elevation data instead of any elevation model?


    Best regards, 


    Lucas Sichardt


  • plotaroute admin   Tuesday 10 Sep 2019 09:45:20

    Hi Lucas,

    I'm sorry, there isn't a way for you to substitute the SRTM data we use with your own elevation data. We took a decision very early on when developing the site to use a global dataset for elevation profiles rather than GPS data, as although it isn't perfect, it offered the most reliable and consistent data source. It would be very difficult for us to change this now, as it's a core part of the design of the site. As a workround, you may find that the tweaking the problem part of the route slightly may help.



  • Lucas Sichardt   Saturday 14 Sep 2019 18:22:28

    Hello John, 


    thanks for your reply. It's a pitty that this is not possbile as a measurement is more accurate than a calculation upon a more ore less precise model. But if there's nothing to be done about this we have to accept it.


    Have a nice weekend.



  • Lucas Sichardt   Friday 06 Dec 2019 12:49:47

    Hi again, 


    I was falling into another - more exciting example when trying holiday tracks from last year. You can see it here:

    This route includes a big bridge over a whole valley in Sweden (ca. km 11). Is there a workaround for bridges and tunnels also?
    Would it be possible to have a new feature in the Plotaroute route editor for bridges and tunnels? Perhaps one could mark a section where the elevation profile gets interpolated between start and end elevation of that section instead of being calculated by SRTM...

    Just a suggestion...


  • plotaroute admin   Monday 09 Dec 2019 08:50:56

    Hi Lucas - This has come up before (see topic on Elevation Data for Tunnels) but it would be really difficult to implement, so I don't think it's something we'd be able to do.

  • Peder Andersen   Monday 09 Mar 2020 08:50:44



    When comparing elevation data for a planned route, there seem to be quite a difference between e.g. GPSvisualizer, RWGPS and Plotaroute.


    If I understand correctly, they are all using data from SRTM1? Since I haven't been able to ride the route yet,  I'm curious which one is closest to reality ;-)




  • plotaroute admin   Wednesday 11 Mar 2020 09:17:49

    Please see this other forum topic: Overall Elevation Gain

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