Watch Your Ascent As You Plot

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  • plotaroute admin   Friday 21 Mar 2014 09:17:41

    .INFO icon in the action barA number of people have asked if it is possible to find out the total ascent for a route on We're pleased to say that this is already available. The total ascent of a route is calculated once the route is saved and is available by clicking the INFO icon on the action bar after saving the route.  We also include additional stats that tell you how much of the route is flat, uphill and downhill

    As an added extra, we have now added an estimate of the total ascent to the elevation chart (click on the HILLS icon to see this). This will refresh automatically as you plot, so you can now monitor the total ascent of your route as you plot it, to see how challenging your route is (or isn't!) going to be.

    Total Ascent on elevation chart

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