Display of multiple routes on one map.

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  • john hawkins   Tuesday 03 Mar 2020 13:57:26

    Addition to the browse shared routes. Allow the user to select multiple routes and then press 'display' to provide a read-only map view of all the selected routes (possibly with a different colour per route).

    Reason. If i am going cycling in a new area i will use the route browser to search for potential routes. It would be useful to be able to select and view a cluster of routes to see what gives the best variation or geographical spread.

    The alternative is to do side by side comparisons and this can be a bit clunky.

  • plotaroute admin   Wednesday 04 Mar 2020 09:40:18

    Thanks for this suggestion. An alternative way to compare routes, with each one shown in a different colour, is to use the Trace a Route feature to add them to the background map in the route planner. You would need to make a note of the names of the routes you are interested in though, so that you can find them in the route planner.

  • john hawkins   Monday 11 May 2020 19:45:10

    Thanks for that, i shall give your suggestioin a go.

  • Paul Stroud Monday 18 May 2020 15:43:20

    The problem I have with this method admin, is that I might want to load a different route into the backgroud as I'm working on my current route - is this currently possible?

    If not, perhaps a "load route as background" might be a great addition to the trace feature. You've essentially got the tools already there, it's just the way one loads them that makes the difference.

    Also, having tried loading several routes in the back ground, the route colour can be difficult to distinguish. loading different routes in the BG would make editing the current route easier and safer (i.e.no danger of losing work)



  • plotaroute admin   Tuesday 19 May 2020 08:00:52

    Thanks for this feedback Paul.

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