At the moment I can add a URL address to a website in the directions box and to connect to that website I have to first copy the link, then right-click to open the website. This a bit cumbersome and often the text is longwinded.
Is there a way I can simplify this process by creating a hyperlink (as for example you can do in Microsft Word) so that all you have to do is click on it to access the website?
Thanks for the suggestion Erik. We've deliberately kept the directions text as a text only field rather than HTML to prevent spam and malicious links. Sadly spam content has become a growing issue that we are constantly battling against and it wouldn't be viable for us to make this HTML, as we'd need to monitor the directions content for every route created on the site.
Thanks for your reply. I understand where you are coming from. But since my last post I have found a quicker and simpler way of creating an HTML link in the directions section. My reason for wanting to add HTML links is to provide users/followers of my routes additional information on points of interest along the route. So are you saying that I shouldn't/must not use HTML links in my directions?
Hi Erik - you can add what you want in the directions/notes, but we recommend sticking to plain text as this is what it is designed to support - we can't guarantee that any HTML entered will be compatible with future versions of the route planner. The best way to share links to further details about a route, is to post the information as comments on the View Route page, as this is designed to support HTML content.
Are there any updates on the hyperlink feature, please? I noticed this post is from 2020, we're now 2025 and it seems very limiting that only the comments section still is the only way to support hyperlinks. All my routes need to feature external links, it would be much more professional and user friendly to have hyperlinks in the information section.