Mobile Uploads and Snap Route to Map

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  • plotaroute admin   Wednesday 23 Sep 2020 15:33:09

    Today we bring you news of two great new features that we've just launched on

    • Upload a Route from your mobile device - our Upload a Route feature was previously restricted to the desktop version, but we're pleased to announce that we've rolled this out to the mobile site, so you can also now upload routes from mobile devices. This feature is available to both Standard and Premium users.

    • Snap Route to Map - we're very excited to launch our Snap Route to Map tool, which automatically aligns an entire route to the nearest roads and paths shown on the map, adding turn by turn directions to the route as it goes. This new tool will be particularly useful for fixing recording errors on routes created using GPS devices and for adding directions to any route you've imported that doesn't have them. It's available to all Premium members by selecting the new Snap Route to Map option from the route planner toolbar (look for the symbol). For further details about Premium membership, please visit our Membership Options page.

    New Snap Route to Map feature

    Finally, as part of these changes, we've tweaked our Display Options switches in the route planners - these switches are now hidden until you move your mouse over them and include a new option to show/hide any routes you've added to the background map as traces.

    We receive a great many suggestions for new features so sadly can't implement them all, but the Snap Route to Map tool has been one of the most voted for features on our Feature Requests list, so we're particularly pleased to be able to make this available. We hope you'll find both of these latest new developments useful.

  • Peter Höglund   Wednesday 23 Sep 2020 20:13:31

    Really great. Thanks. Adding tbt automatically on an uploaded route is really an awesome bonus.

  • Peter Höglund   Wednesday 23 Sep 2020 21:21:14

    Nice also that I can get the original trace as background:)

  • Colin Hoppe   Monday 28 Sep 2020 18:26:24

    Excellent timing !  I've just uploaded a route ... and noticed this new option ... and it looks as if it works very well.  Thank you

  • Fred Hiking   Tuesday 29 Sep 2020 07:09:48

    Thanks! Really great!

  • Colin Hoppe   Tuesday 29 Sep 2020 08:46:44

    I've now uploaded two routes and anyone using this needs to be aware that a slight squiggle in the original route could lead to unintended, brief, out and back legs which might need to be tidied up using Replot Section.  Best to look very closely once the route is uploaded, but the new tool itself works very well for me.


  • Tour McTour   Friday 04 Jun 2021 04:22:49

    Hi, I'm trying to plot some routes based on other people's gps files, but in multiple areas they have taken tracks that are not shown on maps. When I Snap Route To Map most of the bits on roads or mapped tracks get cleaned up nicely, but these sections on unmarked tracks end up in completely the wrong place. There are also a few sections on the road where it decides to just take me in a different direction for no reason I can discern. Would it be possible to either:

    Have the Snap RouteTo Map function applied only to a selected range,

    or even better

    Have an Unsnap function, so when I review the route I can just say take this section back to what it was originally?

  • plotaroute admin   Friday 04 Jun 2021 11:31:47

    Thanks for the suggestions - we appreciate the feedback. 

  • Kristian Snelling   Wednesday 17 May 2023 21:17:00

    Hi team,

    I use the 'snap route to map' feature extensively since its deployment to the site. I have used it many times.

    But I am seeing odd behaviour and it does not appear to be consistent. So I will keep investigating what I believe to be the cause.

    Either way, the outcome is beyond frustrating 


    This is the length of my 'follow a cycle route' prior to running the command - but it has no directions

    Below are the settings I have chosen: 


    This is now the route length!


    Confirmed by the route length panel



    As you can see - less than half my route is now 'snapped' leaving more than half - not even existing but a trace left behind


    Any suggestions? 

    Thanks in advance


  • plotaroute admin   Thursday 18 May 2023 09:08:10

    Hi Kristian,

    Thansk for all that information. It looks like it's caught out by the ferry crossing at Rogätz, as our default bike routing doesn't use ferries. If you change the Activity setting to Walk instead of Bike when you use the Snap Route to Map it should then work. 

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