Can't see how to edit a detour. Or to delete it and start over. Any suggestions?
Hi Lister - if you right-click on the detour it will will bring up an Edit panel with a Delete button. To edit the path of a detour click on it to swap it into the main route, then use the editing tools as normal from the toolbar, e.g. the Reshape Route tool.
Thanks. How do i right click with a mac laptop?
Tried control click, but it changes to main route, then doesnt change back after editting.
If you don't have a two-button mouse, there is advice from Apple on alternatives to simulate a right-click.
If you want to swap a detour back out of the main route (so it becomes the detour again), click the new detour (the section of the route that was made into a detour when you clicked the original detour).
That worked. Thank you!
How can I tell how long a detour is? Selecting different detours does not seem to change any of the distance markers.
Hi Michael - you should see the distance counter change when you select the detour. If this isn't happening, can you share a link to the page when the problem is happening and we'll look into it?
How do i remove a detour?
Cancel that. Already asked and answered.