please re add streetview
I agree, this was such a value add
Streetview is available, it's just not directectly built in to PR (ie the split-screen). It's as near as that, though.
Really miss the street view. I see @MArk Worthington stated " street view is available" but I do not see it and I am a premium member. Map My Ride has it and they are only $5 USD a year more than Plot A Route. I really like PLot A Route, the features and the way you folks try so hard to keep up with us whiny ass cycilst's, you guys get an A+ for effort. I know Google is like dealing with the Devil himself, ( But Google smiles and reminds you to "be green" while they rob you blind). BUT. The street view is really helpful.
Hi Scott - thanks for your feedback. You can still check Google Street View using the Map Inspector. To access the Map Inspector right-click on a road on the route planner map if you're using the desktop site or double-tap on the crosshair when it is placed over a road if you're using the mobile app.
Hi there. I agree with Scott about Street View. Why have you taken away the easy to use toggle feature with the "little man" that was there previously? It worked really well.
Hi Philippa - I'm afraid we're not able to provide Street View as an integrated feature anymore for the reasons we set out in our announcement and subsequent comments back in February about Map Provider Changes.
Thank You for the reply. I have been using the Map Inspector with the Street View selection. Clever way around Google. That meets my needs. Not as nice as before but I understand your decision. Keep up the hard work. Although we whine a lot we truly do appreciate all your efforts!
Best Regards,
Scott Stocking