Stree view window

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  • Peder Andersen   Tuesday 16 Feb 2021 19:47:01


    Since the (unfortunate) change with Google maps and street view, would i be possible to include following.

    Once you clicked fpr street view via "map inspector) would it be possible to keep the street view window open even if you move around on the map screen?

    Would it be possible to move the "street viewer icon" around by moving the map inspector marker around?'This would return some of the previous functionality.





  • plotaroute admin   Wednesday 17 Feb 2021 09:04:45

    Thanks for those suggestions Peder. We did look into this but unfortunately we don't think this is possible, as we have no control over the new window that opens - we are providing a link to another website, so it effectivley just opens a new tab or window.

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