One Million Routes Plotted

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  • plotaroute admin   Friday 26 Feb 2021 10:53:13

    One million routes mapped on plotaroute.comWe are very pleased to share with you the news that more than 1 million routes have now been plotted on since it was launched.

    This is a fantastic milestone and we feel very humbled to have been part of so many people's lives. Whether you've been planning new routes for exercise or to enjoy the outdoors, measuring how far you went, or creating routes for an event of some sort, we hope that we've helped in some small way.

    Many of these routes have been shared on the website, providing inspiration to others in over 200 countries across the world, from the UK, US, Canada and Australia, to Antarctica and the Turks and Caicos Islands. If you would like to search through them, you can use our route finder to search for routes on a map or you can simply browse the full list of shared routes and use the various filters we have to narrow down the list to those of interest.

    Thank you to everyone for all your support along the way.

  • Colin Jones   Saturday 27 Feb 2021 20:51:19

    That's fantastic, you deserve it! Great service, great plotting application, long may you continue!



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