Photo organiser behaving strangely

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  • Martyn Sandford   Monday 26 Apr 2021 10:15:48

    Hi John,

    The pane that opens when 'Photos' is selected from the menu is doing strange things.

    First, I've uploaded 6 photos but it only shows 2... except when I click on one and the others magically appear from nowhere.

    Then, if I try to resequence the photos by dragging, they move around in such a random fashion, it's impossible to know quite where they will end up!

    I think it all used to work just fine.

  • plotaroute admin   Tuesday 27 Apr 2021 08:42:31

    Hi Martyn - I can't recreate the issue so I think something may have gone awry with that particular route. If you let me  know which one it is I'll have a look.

  • Martyn Sandford   Tuesday 27 Apr 2021 10:04:58

    The route is 1513370.

    It happens when I first upload a new set of photos and I'm still in the edit screen with the Photo pane open.

    It has happended on two differnt occassions, at least.  Not sure if they were both with the above route.

  • plotaroute admin   Tuesday 27 Apr 2021 16:05:00

    The photos all seems to the there OK on that route now, so I assume you've sorted that one out. We haven't been able to recreate the issue by uploading photos on a new route though - it worked OK, so we may not be following the same steps as you. If you're able to identify the steps to consistently reproduce the problem we can have another look at it.

  • Martyn Sandford   Wednesday 28 Apr 2021 09:32:49


    I've pinned it down to a display error that shows itself when I work with an external monitor.

    If I use Plotaroute via the screen of my Surface Pro 4, the photo upload pane behaves as expected.  When I use an external monitor (iiyama ProLite B2791QSU) I get the problems mentioned below.  I'm using the Chrome browser.

    However, I've just tested with the Edge browser and it works as expected on both Surface Pro and monitor.

    I shall try to remember to use Edge for Plotaroute in future.


  • plotaroute admin   Thursday 29 Apr 2021 08:15:00

    That's suprising , as I wouldn't have thought the monitor would make any difference. Glad you found the cause and a working solution though.

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