KML viewer in plotaroute and scanned maps?

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  • Peter Höglund   Friday 07 May 2021 18:15:58

    Yes, that feature request has my vote for long time even though I'm not sure how I'll be able to use it.

    Hopefully we get a lot of examples if it will be implemented.

  • plotaroute admin   Friday 07 May 2021 10:30:18

    I'm not sure about that one Peter. I suspect there could be issues with us using references to external image files, as there is a risk that they may contain malicous content. We'd need to look into that when we come to develop a KML map overlay option.

    We have an existing feature request to import and display KML files on the map (number 30), so if anyone is interested in this please add your vote.

  • Peter Höglund   Friday 07 May 2021 09:41:00

    I don't want to hijack this other thread with my own question, but it's a follow-up on that.

    Admin, you are mentioning that you have thoughts about a KML viewer. Could a KML viewer also be used to show a scanned map geocoded with Google Earth?

    I do this today and save the file as a KMZ to be able to put it on my fenix watch. If I understand it correctly, a KML from Google Earth is a recorded link to a local stored picture file.

    Is it possible for a KML viewer in plotaroute to reference a local stored picture file?

    I would die for that one:)

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