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  • Mark Worthington   Sunday 16 May 2021 13:00:57


    How do I just hide the plotted route temporarily, please? Sometimes the route can make it difficult to see the underlying road/track/path.

    I have been playing with Komoot (sorry, just to see what others are doing .... route planning not a patch on PR!). It has a nice feature, a button to just toggle the route on and off (“Hide Tour Line”).



  • plotaroute admin   Monday 17 May 2021 08:08:37

    Hi Mark - the only way to currently hide the route is to temporarily change the Transparency setting under My Settings. We can look into possibly of adding a switch to toggle the display.

  • Mark Worthington   Monday 17 May 2021 08:39:04

    OK, thanks!

    By the way, Komoot also have an icon on their mobile app that hides the route when touched, and shows it again when released. It's a neat implementation, a real-time toggle. You should take a look .....

  • Mike Peters   Monday 17 May 2021 16:31:11


    Can I just add that I think adding the ability to temporarily hide the route in this way would be a great feature!

  • plotaroute admin   Tuesday 18 May 2021 09:02:04

    That's a nice idea but adding another icon would hide some of the map to the detriment of anyone who didn't want to use that feature. It's so tempting to add an icon for this and and icon for that and soon you get a very cluttered map, which is somethng we are keen to avoid. It's easier on the desktop site where there is more space and we also have the option of detecting the mouse position to display additional options. We'll try to think of another way of doing it for the mobile version.  

  • Mark Worthington   Tuesday 18 May 2021 09:59:38

    Understood. The desktop site is probably the main place where this would be used, in that most plotting is done here.

    Looking at the mobile app, though, wherever the current icons are (say the zoom ones) that entire height or width is practically "non map" and so another one is probably not a real issue (from my user's viewpoint). But I do take your point.

    But the more I use the mobile app (with its smaller screen and harder to see map detail under the route), the more I think how useful would be the "Toggle Route" icon (back to Komoot, I'm afraid, I keep using it as an example).

    Maybe a Settings option, so the user can chose whether to display this (or these) icons?

    For instance, I use the Zoom out (whole route) a lot, but hardly ever the Zoom in (current playback location).

    Just some thoughts ......


  • Peter Höglund   Wednesday 19 May 2021 11:33:31

    I disagree. When plotaroute has become better and better on mobile, I've started to create more and more routes here. I think that plotaroute works really well on my old, small Samsung Galaxy S7.

    Please, go 'mobile first' designing and then adapt for desktop.

    I think that if you first find how-to solve a specific challenge on the mobile, it's rather easy to do the same thing in a great way for desktop. Harder to do the opposite. 

  • plotaroute admin   Wednesday 19 May 2021 12:51:48

    We've got an idea for a solution on this topic that we're testing out and should hopefully be able to put live tomorrow.

    Peter's right in that 'mobile first' is now the priority - more people use plotaroute on a mobile device than a desktop computer now and that has been the case for the last 2 years. However, there will always be some things that work better on a larger screen.

  • Mark Worthington   Wednesday 19 May 2021 14:39:15

    I concede!

    I will say that "most" doesn't mean "better" :) Using PR on a desktop is SOOOOOO much easier, of course.

    But most importantly, thanks for being so responsive and positive. It feels like a community here, and these additions and updates certainly help all users.

  • plotaroute admin   Thursday 20 May 2021 09:15:36

    We've implemented some changes today in response to the suggestions below, to overcome the problem of not being able to see map details underneath the route in the route planner. It works slightly differently on the mobile app and the desktop site, but the principle is the same.

    On the mobile app, when you touch the map while not in plotting mode (i.e. with the plot record button off), the route will be made partially transparent and the arrows and distance markers removed. Releasing your finger from the map will redisplay the route as normal.

    On the desktop site, the same approach applies, accept that the route will be made transparent when you drag the map, rather than when you press down on the mouse button, in order to avoid accidentally plotting a new point.

    We think this works really well - it's a simple solution and feels intuitive. There is enough transparency to see details underneath the route like road names, but you can still see the path of the route as well and it doesn't involve any additional button presses.

    Let us know what you think.

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