Printing route on Ordnance Survey map

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  • Peter Edwards Thursday 27 May 2021 14:40:37


    I did a quick search but couldn't see this mentioned anywhere else.

    I assume the reason a route cannot be printed out on an OS map is a licensing issue?

    Is there any chance this functionality will be added in future?  I find plotaroute excellent for route planning and the addition of OS maps was a great addition but not being able to print out the route on an OS Map as a premium member is a painful omission.


  • plotaroute admin   Friday 28 May 2021 08:51:10

    Hi Peter - yes, this due to copyright restrictions. Ordnance Survey are quite strict about reproduction and redistribition of thier maps, so we have to be very careful about how these maps are used. We can look into it further to see if there is any way we can offer this.

  • Peter Edwards Friday 28 May 2021 17:28:38

    I figured as much.  I can honestly say that this feature would make plotaroute absolutely perfect for me.  The ability to print out OS maps covering only the planned route is so helpful when travelling in the mountains in the UK or going on long multi-day trips, as a physical backup to a GPSr / smartphone.  I would become a huge evangelist for using plotaroute as a route planner across the UK, if this feaure landed.  If it's possible to make this a feature request, I'd love to vote it up.

    Cheers.  :)

  • plotaroute admin   Saturday 29 May 2021 08:37:56

    Thanks Peter. Leave it with us, we'll look into it and see what we can do. I won't raise it as a feature request for now, as we don't want to add it to the list if it can't be done for contractual reasons and it's really just part of a previous feature request about OS maps anyway.

  • plotaroute admin   Thursday 10 Jun 2021 12:11:00

    Hi Peter - we're pleased to say that we've now implemented route map printing on Ordnance Survey maps - see our announcement. If you can share this news with other people who might be interested that would be great - thanks. 

  • Peter Edwards Thursday 10 Jun 2021 21:26:04

    Yay!!!  That's awesome news!  :)

    The ability to print out an Ordnance Survey paper route as a companion to a digital .gpx route is brilliant!  I am a very happy premium member.  :)

    When current restrictions permit, I intend to repeat (and update!) a route planning workshop for my local outdoor group. is definitely getting a mention!

    My only other wishlist feature for a plotaroute would be the ability for the auto-plot feature to work with OS maps (or any of the map layers you can switch between, other than OSM) but I can well imagine that wouldn't be trivial to implement, not to mention the licensing complications that would probably involve.

    As it is, I know some members have probably been unhappy with the loss of some features recently but I genuinely feel the new Ordnance Survey integration this has resulted in has made one of the best, most-accessible route planners for the UK.

    I'm a very happy bunny.  Many thanks for the hard work clearly on display by your team.  :)

  • Mark Worthington   Friday 11 Jun 2021 06:01:46

    auto-plot feature to work with OS maps

    But it does ..... though PR is based upon the OSM database and so is actually auto-plotting visually in OS maps while actually using OSM. It matches very well, most of the time, and the differences can easily be worked around.

    I assume you appreciate this, but I just thought I'd highlight it .....


  • plotaroute admin   Friday 11 Jun 2021 08:44:32

    Thanks Peter. As Mark mentioned, our routing engine uses OSM maps, but there should be a good fit with OS maps most of the time and OSM map coverage is constantly improving. It wouldn't really be feasible to run different routing engines for diferent maps, so its not really a licensing issue, just more one of practicalities,

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