High contrast, low ink printed maps

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  • Liam Healy   Saturday 02 Jul 2022 21:08:43

    Make a special map specifically for printing that has high contrast and clear information on roads and trails, with no ink on most of the page. I find Inkatlas Urban to be particularly good (Inkatlas Outdoor, even in remote areas, is much less usable because the contour lines camoflage roads, they look too similar), though it misses a lot of navigation aids like bodies of water, railroad tracks, etc. The printed maps in their current form are hard to use on the road due to the inclusion of information not immediately helpful for navigation or routing that basically covers the page with ink. This is especially true for monochrome printers.

    Here is an example of a plotaroute route in inkatlas. If the turns had the number in plotaroute instead of truncated directions "Turn righ" etc., it would be even better.

  • plotaroute admin   Monday 04 Jul 2022 08:48:07

    Thanks for that suggestion Liam.  We've added it to our Feature Requests list where people can vote for it.

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