Elevation gain discrepancy

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  • Himalayan Xtri Sunday 14 Aug 2022 06:53:19

    Why does the GPX track elevation gain adjust upwards each time it is saved? The original figure is correct. The adjustment is always adding too many metres, eg, original elevation gain is measured at 2,300m, which has been checked using 4 different devices and varying methods, so we are confident it is correct. But when a gpx track is uploaded to Plot-A-Route, and saved, the elevation gain jumps to 2,800m, which we know is too much. Any way to stop this adjustment from happening?

  • plotaroute admin   Monday 15 Aug 2022 09:41:54


    We don't import elevation data when you upload a route from a GPX file, we use data from a global topopgraphy dataset for consistency across all routes on the site, so there is no way to override the total ascent figure I'm afraid. We advise against comparing ascent data from different sources though, as they are not calculated in the same way. For example, some applications don't count small changes in elevation, but we do and instead provide a Route Profile tool where you can apply your own level of smoothing to see the effect on ascent calculations.

    Please see the following FAQ for more information: Why does the Total Ascent figure for my route differ from figures calculated by my GPS device or other applications?  and our comments in a recent form topic on this subject.

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