import GPX file with multiple sections

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  • Gerald Lanz Monday 29 Aug 2022 01:10:57


    I have a bunch of small gpx files I would like to import. When I do they all have a straight line at end of one to the beginning of the next. Is there a way to eliminate that straight-line segment? I want to create a route that goes through most of the GPS sections. Thanks

  • Gerald Lanz Monday 29 Aug 2022 02:30:50

    Here is what it looks like, Not pretty.

  • plotaroute admin   Monday 29 Aug 2022 08:02:59

    Hi Gerald - without seeing the GPX file it's hard to know, but I'm guessing it contains mutliple tracks or track segments. You can only import one route at a time into Plotaroute, so if a GPX file contains more than one track or track segment, it will just append them together and treat them as one route. The straight lines will therefore be the lines joining the end of one route to the start of the next. You would need to create GPX files that only have one route in and import them separately. Alternatively you can use the Reshape Route tool to edit what you've imported, if you want to join the routes differently.

  • Gerald Lanz Monday 29 Aug 2022 20:07:22

    I have about 200 GPX sections of an are of all the gravel roads. I want to create a route along them and connect the longest possible motorcycle ride on mainly gravel roads. So I would like to bring them into Plotaroute and then create a new route using the displayed GPX files as a guide by tracing over them and then using paved road section from the map to connect them. What I ended up using was and merged all 200 of them into one GPS file. It did not concatenate them together, it left them single. Then I loaded the GPX track into OSMand and created a new route by tracing over the GPX sections and roads and ended up with a single 85-mile adventure ride mostly dirt route I exported out from OSMand. I had to get creative with all the different software but it worked. I was just hoping to do it all in Plotaroute. Thanks!

  • Gerald Lanz Tuesday 30 Aug 2022 23:56:59

    One more thing I forgot to mention is I had to load a Android  simulator (Bluestacks X ) on my laptop so I had a larger screen to create the route in OSMand.  Then I had to load the OSMand and Google Drive and a file manager from PlayStore so I could save the file to my google drive. Maybe an enhancement in future updates may let us load multiple GPX tracks and trace over them to connect a new route. If you go to you can see examples of all the many gravel roads that have been uploaded. You can then click on each one and download the gpx file.

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