.fit download stopped installing on Garmin Edge25

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  • plotaroute admin   Saturday 17 Sep 2022 11:47:06

    Thanks Bob. We can't seem to recreate the problem here. Also, if you open the FIT file with an online FIT file viewer, it reads it without any problems. I'll contact you by email so we can exchange some example files to investigate further.

  • BoB Hurst Friday 16 Sep 2022 15:21:21

    Hi, Thanks for the response. This is a link to one of my routes that  the FIT download used to work but now doesnt, but the same for any of 'MyRoutes'.


    Is there a way I can share the previously downloaded FIT file from my PC that does work, if that would be useful.

    I only have the Edge25 so dont know if other models are affected.

  • plotaroute admin   Friday 16 Sep 2022 09:00:10

    Thanks for flagging this up Bob, it sounds like it may be a bug. We did have to introduce a new version of our FIT convertor for a recent upgrade, so it sounds like this may be the cause. Can you share an example of a route where you're having problems please, so we can look into it? 

  • BoB Hurst Thursday 15 Sep 2022 15:54:22

    More on my post. If I download the route in GPX and use Alltrails to convert it to .fit it works ok on Garmin. So confirms its Plotaroute not creating a good .fit file.

  • BoB Hurst Thursday 15 Sep 2022 12:15:51

    Hi, Ive been plotting and downloading my routes and others in .fit for some time.

    Then installed on my Edge25 successfully until about two weeks ago. Now they transfer ok from my PC via USB but dont appear in courses on my Garmin.

    However, if I delete an old route from my Garmin and reinstall from the old route saved on my PC its OK. Hence my Garmin is working. But if I download and install the same old route from MyRoutes in Plotaroute it doesnt appear in courses.

    It seems something has changed in the download of .fit format.

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