Hello all,
first of all i would like to give the compliments for the site. I use it very often to map out my run routes.
Now I was trying to share a virtual challenge. I have made a route of approximately 950 km, but I will not actually run this route.
My idea is to run a few kilometers in my own area and then enter the data into my challenge.
My question is whether this is possible within plotaroute. The route I created has ID: 2126541
Many thanks for the help/suggestions
I think you are saying you run locally, say 10km, then progress along the "master" 950km route by that 10km?
Not automatically, but manually. A quick think suggests this, after your first local run of, say 10km:
After your second, say 15km run:
and so on.
Like I said, some manual work each go ....
Thanks for the nice comments about Plotaroute.
If all you want to do is increment the distance along a virtual route, you can do this on the desktop verison of the challenge tracker. It's not possible on a mobile device as this uses GPS to set your position, but on the desktop verison you can override this and just drag the position marker to anywhere on the route. So for example, if you've done another 10km, move it 10km along.
Thank you for the answers.
When I open the Challenge tracker, I can't get further than the screen below. I'm turned off tracking my location.
How did I miss "Challenge Tracker"?!?! Somethinge else to play with!
You'll need to enable location permissions in your browser, as this page needs that to work.
Mark - good to see you're still discovering new features you haven't tried!