No worries. The arrow bug should be fixed now. Thanks for that suggestion about the forum posts.
And sorry about my post, I'm having a bad morning here. I am satisfied with my purchase and am slowly but surely getting a hang of all the li'l route editing tricks.
But... that brings me to a little thing that actually does irk me. Please add functionality to the forum that lets users delete and edit their own posts, especially the stupid ones like below here ;)
Thanks, we'll have a look at the issue of the arrows reappearing when you drag the map.
Regarding the spam check, sadly like all websites where people can post content, we do get people posting things that are inappropriate, so we have to have some automated checks to try to prevent this. I'm sorry that your post was temporarily pasused while it was reviewed, but we try to review paused posts quickly - this one was published within 30 minutes.
I feel less and less satisfied with my purchase of the plotaroute premium account.
Sorry but I think this needs to be revisited. The arrows on the trace show up when the trace is turned off.
It looks fine at first when you turn off the trace, i.e. no arrows on the trace but when you pan the map, the trace arrows show up.
Great, thank you very much for the fast action.
We've implemented a fix for this, so the Arrows switch should now work on both the route you are plotting and any traces added to the backgrpound map. We've also taken the opportunity to make the arrows on traces a bit smaller, so that they are less obtrusive and distinguishable from arrows on the route being plotted.
That looks like and oversight on our part Peter, sorry! We'll get that changed, as the the Arrows switch should show/hide the arrows on any traces as well as on the current route being plotted.
How do I turn off the direction arrows on a trace? I have tried the switch in the Display options but that made no difference.
See the screendump, the red route is the trace, the blue route is the new route and does not show direction arrows as per the Display options at the bottom left.
I looked in "My settings" but found nothing there.